About MTCTE (Mandatory Testing & Certification Of
Telecommunication Equipment)
Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of
Communications has notified “Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Rules” in
Gazette of India vide G.S.R.
1131(E) PART XI on 5th September 2017 which prescribes for
Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment.
Any telegraph which is used or capable of being used with any
telegraph established, maintained or worked under the license
granted by the Central Government in accordance with the provisions
of section 4 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (hereinafter referred
to as the said Act), shall have to undergo prior mandatory testing
and certification in respect of parameters as determined by the
telegraph authority from time to time.
Objectives of MTCTE
I. that any Telecom Equipment does not degrade performance
of existing network to which it is connected;
II. safety of the end–users;
III. protection of users and general public by ensuring
that radio frequency emissions from equipment do not exceed
prescribed standards;
IV. that telecom equipment complies with the relevant
national and international regulatory standards and requirements.
The testing and certification envisaged in MTCTE
Procedure ensures that the equipment meets all TEC prescribed
Essential Requirements. The quality and reliability of equipment is
not part of this procedure, hence, the same is not guaranteed
through this certification. OEMs / dealers themselves will be
responsible for necessary quality and reliability criteria claimed
by them. Any equipment to be used in the network of Licensed Telecom
Service Providers/ Internet Service Providers/Virtual Network
Operators etc. may have to undergo additional tests as specified in
here to download MTCTE User Instructions.
here to download the flowchart for profile registration and fresh
application under MTCTE.